Election Information

Application for Absentee Ballot: GAB-121

Voter Registration Application: GAB-131

2025 Elections

  • February 18, 2025 Spring Primary
  • April 1, 2025 Spring Election

Polls open at 7 am and close at 8 p.m

You can register to vote up until 5 PM the Friday before the election or on Election Day.  You must reside at your address for 10 consecutive days to be eligible to vote.  Proof of residence is required when registering. whether by mail or in person with the Clerk. If you have been issued and have a current and valid WI driver license or a WI DOT issued identification card, you must provide the number.  If you have not been issued a WI driver license or WI DOT issued ID, you must provide the last four digits of your social security number.

I’m Already Registered Elsewhere.

Your registration cannot be transferred from another municipality.  A new registration in the Town of Little Falls is required.  You will be asked to fill out Form EL-131 so that your prior registration can be cancelled.

What if I’ve moved within the town or have changed my name?

If you have married and changed your name, you will need to re-register.  If your address has changed, you also need to COMPLETE A NEW REGISTRATION FORM.  Please bring proof of your new name and address.


When you arrive at the town hall for an election, give your name, then address to the election worker seated at the check-in table. She will find your name on the list of registered voters.  If your name is on the Poll List you will be asked to show your PHOTO ID.  If your name is not on the Poll List you will be directed to complete the registration form.  Then you may continue the voting process.

Beginning in 2012, voters must sign the poll book to obtain a ballot. The poll book now contains a signature block for each voter.  Voters unable to sign the poll book because of a physical disability are exempt from this requirement. If this applies to you, tell the election officials that you are unable to sign because of a disability. Election officials will write “exempt” in your signature block. After you have signed the poll book and shown your PHOTO ID you will be given a ballot and be directed to the voting booth.

If you make a mistake on your ballot, you may ask for a new ballot.  You are allowed up to three ballots, due to errors you made in marking the ballot.  If you need assistance, please ask.


For your early voting convenience, Absentee Voting in the clerks office at the Little Falls Town Hall,4124 County Hwy I  this can be done by APPOINTMENT - 715-896-4826. Applications for absentee ballots are good for one calendar year and must be requested in writing or you can go to myvote.wi.gov to request a ballot for each election.  If you haven't requested an absentee ballot previously, you will be asked to provide identification. Ballots can be sent to you as soon as they are printed.

If you have questions or need to make arrangements for registering or absentee ballots, please call the Town Clerk at 715-896-4826.

The Little Falls Town Hall is accessible to elderly and disabled persons.

Voter registration is conducted in the Little Falls Town Hall during office hours as well as on Election Day.

If you have previously registered to vote, your name will be on the poll list.


State of Wisconsin Election Websites